Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So...Food Aversions Are Definitely Real!

A few weeks ago I had made a roast...yum, right? For me...not so much! What had once been one of my favorite meals quickly became something I couldn't tolerate the smell of and certainly didn't attempt to eat.

So, maybe I thought it was just a one time thing...I don't really know...but last night I decided to make, "No Peek Beef Tips" which is seasoned similar to the same way I do my roast. Except, when I awoke from my nap to the smell of cooking beef, (bleh!) I couldn't handle it. It literally made me want to throw up. I got up and was trying to figure out how to get through the rest of it's cooking time, but all I could do was sit there not feeling well.

I finally realized the only thing that sounded good to me was watermelon, so my wonderful husband got up and went to the store to get me some watermelon. When he came back home he was able to enjoy the meal that still turns my stomach. : )

Wow...pregnancy hormones really do mess with everything!! I can guarantee I won't be trying to cook beef anymore. Bring on the fruit though!!


Jen said...

Watermelon was a saving grace to me when I was prego. I craved it every day no matter what. Oh the best watermelon EVER was what I had when we were in South Carolina at the beach when I was 30 weeks. I'm glad you're doing good. Keep craving fruit. It's good for you. As if you have control over what you crave. LOL Love you guys!!!

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