Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Daddy's first post


I didn't realize the emotions I would feel when I saw and heard our baby's heartbeat. That might be one of the most incredible experiences of my life (at least until I hear our schneckechen cry for the first time). I had to dry and wipe my eyes because I didn't want the tech to think I was a big baby. :)

Giving my wife a shot everyday has been such a unique bonding experience. It really makes me feel like I have a direct impact on the development of our little baby. I'm always a little nervous before I actually inject Lori, but once the needle goes in, and I begin to release the medicine, I get an overwhelming sense of fulfillment and expectation. I can't WAIT to meet our baby!

1st Ultrasound...

So...we are just having one baby! Yay! We were a week off on the due date so the new date is January 4, 2010! We could still possibly have a Christmas baby though...yikers!

We were able to hear and see the heartbeat and it was truly one of the coolest experiences ever! The heartbeat was 117 beats per minute and we were told that was, "very good."

The baby looks like a little blob with a tail right now...but it is our blob. : )

The doctor was very pleased with everything he saw and so were we!! The only "negative" thing is that I have an extra week of shots since we were a week ahead of ourselves but that is okay!! Really...I can take it if it means our little blob is growing into something more of a human. hehe.

Now...on to the sleep topic...I now realize what moms mean when they say that the first trimester is exhausting! I have literally been going to sleep by 7:00 or 8:00 every evening and sleeping the entire night. I do really good in the mornings but by mid-afternoon it is all I can do to stay awake. The nurse told us today she literally slept through her first three months and I am beginning to understand how that is possible. Sleep is about all I think about...I haven't even been watching my normal shows or doing anything in the evenings...that definitely proves I'm really, really, tired!! They told me to make sure I rest...especially while on the shots, so I really don't feel bad about sleeping so much...I realize that my body needs it. I will be ready to have my energy back again though.

Anyway, we go back two weeks from today, on May 27th, to have our next ultrasound. We'll stay with this fertility doctor until I reach 10 weeks and then he'll transfer me back to my regular doctor.

What a great start to the day! We'll keep you posted.