Monday, July 27, 2009

July 22 Appointment

So, we went in for our routine check-up yesterday. Everything is going great! We were able to hear the heartbeat again, which made me feel so much better after our little dehydration scare last week. I just learned to carry a bottle of water with me at all times...and to not forget that I am still pregnant : )

Anyway, the heartbeat was 150 beats per minute, which doctor said is perfect...they like to see it anywhere from 120-160 so we were all happy about that. When listening to the heartbeat we kept hearing scratching noises and the doctor told us the baby was moving around and it makes that noise...that was so neat!

My weight gain is perfect too! Woohoo! The doctor said I'm right on schedule and am doing great...not overeating. : ) Too bad I'm still not craving just fruits and vegetables though...instead food doesn't even sound good. I eat right now because I know I'm supposed to. Oh well...I'm sure that will change soon enough like the other cravings have.

He did said I'm slightly anemic so had me start a daily iron tablet...I can manage that easily.

We are rolling right along and can hardly believe we are already into our 17th week! We go to find out if we're having a boy/girl on August 10th, just two and a half weeks, so stay posted!!!
Until then...I hope you are doing well and having a wonderful week!


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